Shipping policy


Shipping Timeline: 

Orders will be shipped within 1-3 days of Ordering and Tracking details will be shared by SMS and email once shipped.

Delivery Timeline:

Tamil Nadu (1-6 Working days from day of shipping), Other States (2-7 working days from day of shipping)

Shipping and Delivery timelines are subject to change as things like


Sudden weather changes, like heavy rain, heat waves, or cold waves, can disrupt transportation and delay shipments.

Delivery location:

The distance and difficulty of reaching the delivery destination can impact the delivery timeline.


The carrier's performance can affect the delivery timeline.
Logistics system: The efficiency of the logistics system can affect the delivery timeline.

There will be delays in Shipping and Delivery of Preorders.

There are no cancellations.

If there are any concerns regarding Shipments, please WhatsApp +917401184012 or Email